Electrical Service & Repair

Responsive & Professional

Electrical Service & Repair

We go the extra mile on every project. The value we provide clients comes from our level of skill and performance, as well as our knowledge and professionalism. Rest assured, we put the same level of energy into every project we take on.


Decora plug & switch swap out

There are two styles of electrical outlets and switches; the older style is called duplex and the newer square style is decora. Most homeowners typically choose decora when it comes to a full swap out of all electrical outlets. But just simply replacing a few would be required to match existing.

Standard VS Decora Switches

Standard VS Decora Outlets

Plugs not working

Time to time electrical outlets become inactive or not working, in most cases it could be a simple flip of a breaker or a broken wire. The plug may also be the cause of the issue but a simple test from our electrical team will be able to determine the issue within minutes!

Outside GFCI plug installs

Outdoor plugs can be useful when your working outside or trying to plug in your holiday decorations, Christmas lights are the number one issue when it comes to powering up outside your home.

Ceiling light changes

Old fixtures during new renovations could really put a dampener on your new reno. Replacing the ceiling fixture can really make the room pop beijing the centerpiece of the room, chandeliers or fixtures we do it all. Contact us today!

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